Katona Reining Horses
Horse Shows

Full Training- includes board & no day fees at shows
Day Fees- horses in maintenance training at Katona Reining Horses $40 / day
Transportation $.50/ mile ($65 minimum)
Lessons at Show apply only for horses not in training at Katona Reining Horses $50 / lesson
Prize Money 50/50 after deducting entry fees
*Entry Fees, Stall Fees, Bedding, Paid Arena time Paid by Owner
Tack, Motel Prorated among horses attending show
*All Katona Reining Horse invoices are due within 10 days of receipt. Any over due accounts will be assessed a $25 fee, as will any checks returned due to non-sufficient funds.
**All fees are due in advance. A late fee of $50 is applied to accounts past due.